Almond Tree Facts

Almond trees are native to Southwestern Asia, and typically grow to be between 10 & 15 feet tall. They flourish in areas with hot dry summers, and cool wet winters. When blossoming, normally between January and April, almond trees produce beautiful light pink or white flowers. The next stage of the almond blossom is the fuzzy fruit-like hull.

Upon maturity, the the outer layer (hull) splits open, revealing the pit (almond). The almonds are then harvested, sometimes with the assistance of mechanical tree shakers to expedite the process. Today 80% of the World’s almonds, more than 25 types, are grown in California.

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Food Use

Once harvested, almonds can be eaten raw, blanched, or roasted. They are commonly used in confectionary baking, for almond butter, meal, flower, or oil. Less commonly, almonds are harvested when they are still in their fruit-like hull (green almonds), and used in high-end cuisine dishes.

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Fun Facts

-California almonds are Cholesterol free.
-The annual pollination of California almonds is the largest managed pollination event in the world (over 1.1 million beehives)
-Consuming almonds daily may reduce the risk of heart disease
-Almonds are the tree nut highest in protein with a handful providing 6 grams!
– In Europe almonds are used to make marzipan, a sweet paste used in pastries and candy.

For more information on the almonds we sell please check out the following industry link:

Almond Board of California –